Given the great man’s death this past week, it can be worthwhile to consider some of his quotes which are relevant now and into the future: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. “No one is born hating another person because of the colour of … [Read more...]
Aged Care Reform
Complex changes to residential aged care come into operation on the 1st July 2014 – the changes will not generally affect existing residents in facilities at that time. The proposed changes relate to four main areas: Reviewing the distinction between high and low care Changes to the levels of … [Read more...]
Four Steps to Worry Free Aged Care
If you, or one of your loved ones, are ready to move into aged care, it’s worthwhile learning a little about the process. There are four key steps to worry-free aged care. Take them one at a time and you can minimise worries and reduce the stress of what can be an emotional … [Read more...]
Should My Super Pension Be Reversionary to my Spouse?
The simple answer to this is not necessarily! The historical thinking on this was that it was always best to make a pension reversionary to your spouse. This meant that when the pensioner dies, the surviving spouse can continue to receive the tax advantaged (usually tax free) income and the … [Read more...]