Financial matters can be complex. Getting help from a professional can make all the difference in achieving a successful outcome. Regardless of investment conditions or your stage in life, a planner can be pivotal in working with you to achieve your financial goals.
We believe the role of a financial planner is to listen to your needs and goals and tailor their service to help meet them. You can enjoy life today, knowing that your future is in expert hands.
The relationship with your planner is an important one that builds up over time. A financial planner should be someone with whom you are comfortable, who knows you and understands how your needs may change over the years. You can then work with them to achieve your financial and lifestyle goals.
To check your planner is right for you, make sure they give you:
Your planner should help you define financial goals and develop a plan to achieve them. That means you can take control of your future and set a clear direction of where you want to go and how to get there.
Once your plan is established and implemented you should be comfortable that your financial strategies are working well. Your planner should continually review them to ensure that all is going to plan.
By entrusting your financial security to a financial planner you gain access to their expertise. They’ll use this to develop the most appropriate financial strategies to meet your goals. Best of all, a planner will take the emotion out of making important financial decisions.
Your financial planner should work to ensure that your assets and estate are appropriately protected. This will give you peace of mind for your retirement, for any life changes or if something unexpected arises.
“Now, more than ever, Australians need sound financial advice, built on a sustainable foundation with a long-term outlook”. Senator Nick Sherry, Federal Minister for Superannuation and Corporate Law, May 2009