Archives for December 2013

Nelson Mandela

Given the great man’s death this past week, it can be worthwhile to consider some of his quotes which are relevant now and into the future: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.   “No one is born hating another person because of the colour of … [Read more...]

Aged Care Reform

Complex changes to residential aged care come into operation on the 1st July 2014 – the changes will not generally affect existing residents in facilities at that time.  The proposed changes relate to four main areas: Reviewing the distinction between high and low care Changes to the levels of … [Read more...]

Four Steps to Worry Free Aged Care

If you, or one of your loved ones, are ready to move into aged care, it’s worthwhile learning a little about the process. There are four key steps to worry-free aged care. Take them one at a time and you can minimise worries and reduce the stress of what can be an emotional … [Read more...]